Tuesday, April 2, 2013

I have been having such a blast, playing music with friends. Last fall, I took my folder of songs, alphebetized them and had them rpinted into a book. My Creative Connectionz sing-a-long with chords book.  It's amazing how full I feel....how peaceful I feel after a fun jam session! I play alot on my own, and that kind of playing is what created some of my bad playing habits, example "my rhythm" etc..... and when I play with others, there is the need for everyone to be on the same downbeat....so it's enhanced my skill level..... and looking at someones fingers while we play guitar is a new experience in playing. I find I'm pretty dependent on sheets of music with verse and chords..... it's so refreshing..... I just love playing.
I've been playing on my own since 1982, 31 years now, during the first 2 years of playing I played at the Winnebago Folk Festival in IL..... then I went underground and didn't play in front of anyone again, until about 6-7 years ago....2006 ish.... being the EmCee for CornStalk helped...interviewing the musicians made me realize I am no differant than they are....so I started playing with friends. I sang in teh church choir, under the great direction of Tim Purdam, so my voice imroved, my rhythm inpoved....I still clutched the guitar like I was needing to hold it together....and now my touch, my holding the guitar is os improved! I LOVE to Sing, and I love to play guitar!
Here's to many more songs sung and chords strummed!

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